Nativism & populism in Czechia

Nativism and populism in Czechia from the perspective of electoral outcomes

(1992 – 2021)

The map application illustrates areas of electoral support in Parliamentary elections in Czechia in years 1992, 1996, 1998, 2002, 2010, 2013, 2017 and 2021 for chosen nativist and populist political parties. An explicit comparison of electoral outcomes by utilizing cartograms and outcomes’ clustering via Local Indicators of Spatial Association (LISA) method enables the reader to comprehensively understand spatial changes of electoral support of selected parties in the recent Czech history. Employment of a very detailed level of municipalities allows for a closer examination of analysed territories. This provides for a rigorous comparison of given parties’ outcomes across time and space.

The application and its detailed description are available in Czech only.

Authors of the application

Mgr. Jonáš Suchánek

author of the Nativism and populism in Czechia from the perspective of electoral outcomes application

Mgr. Josef Laštovička, Ph.D.

cartographer of the Nativism and populism in Czechia from the perspective of electoral outcomes application