Population aging in Prague housing estates

Aging and population change in Prague housing estates

(2001 – 2011)

The map application focuses on the transformation of the population of Prague housing estates, emphasis is put specifically on aging of their inhabitants (aging in place). The main goal and also the benefit of the application is visualization of the problematic at two different scale levels: basic settlement units (BSUs) and housing estates. Prague housing estates were defined using a certified method based on the concept of concentric zones (zoning) and housing types (typology). We worked primarily with individual migration data and data on the age structure of the population. The analysis was performed in two years: 2001 and 2011.

The application and its detailed description are available in Czech only.

Authors of the application

Mgr. Marie Horňáková

author of the Aging and population change in Prague housing estates application

Mgr. Josef Laštovička, Ph.D.

cartographer of the Aging and population change in Prague housing estates application